Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ganja Oh Ganja! (Ayen Tono)

Ganja Oh Ganja!
(Ayen Tono)

Pertama kali aku diBagi peluang untuk menulis kat blog uncleseekers.. syokk, seram, takut semua rasa ada!!

Aku respect rrr bro2 & sis2 yang amek serious tentang kesan baik untuk sesapa yang hisap ganja.. Aku pon mula tertarik tentang cerita dan fakta menatang ganja nih.. Memang betol!!, Banyak kajian menyatakan bahawa ganja atau marijuana atau cannabis atau ayam atau cas atau ubat yang digelar kebanyakkan pengguna tegar di Malaysia.. memberi tenaga dan merawat penyakit seperti barah peparu..

So dah nama boleh ubat barah, konfom2 sesapa yg consume menatang nih takkan kena penyakit tuh ..  Itu fakta positif yang aku sempat search la.. aku tak penah la amek atau hisap atau buat kek dengan menatang ganja nih, sedap ka? tapi setahu aku kalau sebut ja nama menatang nih kat MAK aku, maka akan terkeluaqlah ayat power yang berbunyi, KALAU HANG  ISAP MENATANG TUH, AKU SUMPAH HANG JADI TV!!!..  mintak simpang la kan..

Memang sesapa yang amek ganja ni tak terdedah dengan risiko penyakit kritikal.. tapi apa yang aku dapat tengok, banyak yang padam bila amek ganja ni sebab OVER-DOSE..bila 'stone' bawak keta nampak tiang letrik jadi empat.. main sodok nak elak, tiba2 STRIKE!!! tengah tiang dia melekat.. kalau tak patah tangan, maby patah kaki.. tapi banyak2 yang kena pasti STRAIGHT jumpa tuhan la.. kesian kan.. bukan nak pelingkop bro n sis punya semangat juang.. tapi sekadar nak ajak sama2 pikir, sebelum nak kempenkan sesuatu.. hikkk..

Sorry uncle.. terpanjang la pulak...

Ayen Tono 

Komen Aku - aku baca sms atau artikel?

 Poligami - Part 1 (Ayen Tono)


  1. org dulu kala masak nasi letak daun ganja ni, buat pembangkit selera. mcm masak nasi lemak letak daun pandan la kaedahnye.

    mungkin aroma dia bole membangkit kan selera makan walau hanye berlaukan ikan masin....

    dlm wayang lakonan PRamlee pon ada adegan menjual Ganja ni... rasanye dulu2 mmg org buat ubat tp ramai yg telah menyalah guna bende ni, tu yg terpaksa diharamkan

  2. salam bang artikel baru dah keluar klau nk tolong warwarkan kat page abang memang hensem!

  3. Uncle...cube try tgk fakta2 kat nak mintak pandangan jer mender sahih ker atau fakta songsang...huhuhu

  4. marijauna atau ganja mmg banyak manfaatnya. cuma side effect dia tu kekadang mmg boleh menyebabkan kaum melayu kita yg mmg agak malas ni, jadi lagi malas, pasal tu illegal kat sini. sekarang ni, kat california dah di'halalkan' untuk kegunaan perubatan, dan boleh dibeli dimanana klinik 'ganja' yg disahkan oleh kerajaan provided ada surat doctor yg mengesahkan korang ni ada barah ke, depression ke, etc etc. tapi one thing about this plant is, mcm mana banyak hisap pun dia takkan buat seseorang tu nak marah2 atau nak bergaduh..mmg mengeuarkan sifat penyayang haha.

    dulu2 masa kecik saya ngat lagi nenek saya selalu 'balut' satu btang untuk atuk saya yg sakit dia tak lalu makan, so lepas hisap bsebatang, tu dia, lapaq mcm babi lol. bagus gak, sihat walafiat hidup sampai 90

  5. macam jugak daun ketum...banyak kebaikannya...

    tapi, kalo dah misabuse...jadilah racun...

    anggaplah macam pokok herba...

    tak gitu uncle...


  6. Well, the fact that marijuana is a herb/med, that it can be made to petrol, that it can make clothes, shoes and stuff like that, and not only that, it helps to prevent cancer and stuff. And that marijuana haven't had any recorded death since the start of the world. Well all this fact is already here to show people that it is a million dollar crops and if you legalize and tax it, you'll definitely earn, but why don't they use it, why do people despise MJ? Well easy, it's the pharmaceutical, alcohol and cigarette companies that's controlling everything. It's a monopoly. What happens if marijuana gets legalize? Everyone will choose smoking weed over alcohol/cigarette, people will choose hemp made products, people will choose to use hemp made petrol. Thus resulting the loss for cig/alcohol company. Try and imagine how many share holders, stock holders, and people who invested in the tobacco/alcohol capital. Do you think they will let this go just like that? No way. That is why false word about marijuana has been pass till the generations now, we are taught in school that MJ is a bad drug, it's like the Heroin and Cocaine. Well, to be honest, MJ can't be compared with Heroin and Cocaine. If you want to know more about the history of how MJ got despise and the monopoly behind all this, watch "Union - The Business Behind Getting High" It's a very informative documentary. Don't be ignorant about these facts.
    "If the whole world smokes a joint at the same time, there would be world peace for atleast 2 hours." Quoted by Megan Fox. Cheers. :)

  7. Greenthumb societyJune 11, 2012 at 6:37 PM

    Marijuana has Been used for thousands of years to aid illness and ensure the evolution of humans mind to be creative and to be thinkers. Ganja is illegal not because of it side effects but political issues such as the synthetic fibre industry. It's also illegal because the World has spent so much on chemotherapy to cure cancer but it doesn't work a single bit and it's hard to explain to the people of the world that the tax money is being used on non effective machines to heal. Because of it's problhibition, it has killed millions of cancer patient and it's proven that THC(chemical compound from cannabis) breaks down cancer cells and stop the growth. Who said smoking pot makes you lazy, physically you look lazy and relax but what's going on the head is a million thoughts. Marijuana usage is popular among the highly educated and artistic industry. People around me who smokes including myself are doctors,lawyers,musicians and also philosophers. You have to hit a joint and itll open up ur mind to countless possibilities and ull know what in talking about. Oh ya, back then there use to be this close pak cik hassan I use to chill with, he's 69 and still smoking everyday. He's a father of 3doctors and two politicians.


Bermula 10-8-2011 semua komen akan ditapis.

1- Anonymous tak akan dilayan. Sila tinggalkan nama (nama samaran pun dah kira ok supaya senang nak sebut sekiranya ada perbincangan).

2- Tolong beri komen yang berkaitan dengan artikel di atas sahaja.

3- Komen merapu, Hit and Run akan diPADAM. Minta Maaf.