Thursday, December 8, 2011

Siapakah Anaconda dalam Barisan Nasional ? (Part 3)

Siapakah Anaconda dalam Barisan Nasional?
(Part 3)

Anaconda (Klik)

Kenapa salinan surat daripada Senator Dr. S.Ramakhrisnan yang dihantar sekitar bulan September 2011 tentang kepincangan Dr KD Sivakumar masih tiada sebarang tindakan?

Wahai Menteri Dalam Negeri.... Intan Payung.... Buah hati pengarang jantung...
Sekadar bertanya, adakah tuan hamba tak amik port langsung isu ini atau orang yang diberi amanah tidak jujur?

Kalau masalah ini tidak dapat diselesaikan juga sebelum hujung tahun ini, saya nak panggil tuan hamba dengan nama pangilan manja.... 'Sotong Man'.

Lagu ini ditujukan khas kepada bakal pemegang title 'Sotong Man' yang lembik tak buat kerja!

Ayahku selalu berkata padaku
Laki-laki tak boleh nangis
Harus selalu kuat harus selalu tangguh
Harus bisa jadi tahan banting

From Kumar (07-2343448) to Engku (019-7116412)
Date : 17/04/2008
Time : 1353hrs

Ungku: Hello

Kumar: Hello Pak Ungku, tu belum…

Kumar: Ya belum lagi la. Tadi I telefon satu budak India tu, bos keluar pergi makan.

Kumar: oooo

Ungku: Sama yang tinggi, sapanya

Kumar: Tu India, budak India ya

Ungku: A’ah . they want for lunch

Kumar: Ooo… went for lunch

Ungku: Back about 2.30 la

Kumar: Oo..actually pa yang Pak Ungku itu hari mintak? Actually what he want?

Ungku: Dia mintak itulah, macam Dr 51%

Kumar : aaa…

Ungku: And then dia you sepatotnya silaplah,

Kumar: Apadia

Ungku: 34% saya,

Kumar: oooo

Ungku: And 5% is yours which is been agreed already

Kumar : Did Steen agreed?

Ungku: ……………….

Kumar : Steen agreed ye

Ungku : itu tak susahlah lepas tu nama sahajalah

Kumar : oooo.itu… sapa sapa yang minta, Steen ye

Ungku : Itu Steen la

Kumar : Dia dengan siapa tadi itu hari

Ungku : Itu tak de sapa, dia

Kumar : aaaa

Ungku : Your friend sapa nama

Kumar : Thiagu ye

Ungku : Aaa.Thiaga ada

Kumar : oooo

Ungku : Thiagu tak cakap apa apa

Kumar : kenapa dia orang boleh main main

Ungku: Kita lupakan dulu, besok saya nak jumpa die pagi pagi lah

Kumar : Aaa…Besok balik ya Pak Ungku

Ungku : Aaa…Besok saya pergi

Kumar : Pak Ungku apasal diaorang minta ni syer- syer semua diaorang campur kitapunya hal

Ungku : Tak tau la ini orang semua

Kumar: Ya

Ungku : Dia puny suka…..Dia kata in power….kita nak buat apa

Kumar : Ye…habis dia kata dia nak kasi Dr 51%

Ungku : Ha’ah, itu pun cakap tengok dulu lah ni Dr ni pun gila-gila tak senonoh punya orang

Kumar : mmmm

Kumar : Harap lah Pak Ungku boleh settle

Ungku : Ya

Kumar : kalau tak nak kalau kita tak kasi 51% dia tak nak renew kontrak

Ungku : Aaa

Kumar : Dia direct cakap dengan Pak Ungku ya

Ungku : Bukan actually he want to be that way kata dia

Kumar : Steen?

Ungku : kita ikut arahan dialah

Kumar : Steen la

Ungku : Tak pe lah ni saya tengok apa macam apa dia cakap besok

Kumar : aaaa

Ungku : He must reply to our letter you know…

Kumar : mmmm

Ungku : Betul tak

Kumar : Ya lah..tapi kita ambil sebarang 51%..dia dia..i don’t know la. Why he doing all this la…is company matter dia campur- campur kenapa ye

Ungku : ini tak tau la…adalah orang beritahu dia

Kumar : mmmm

Ungku : Right

Kumar : Dia confirmkan kalau 51% kita bagi Dr dia confirm renew

Ungku : Ya. Tapi kita dah kasi dah 51% to Dr kan

Kumar : Aaaa

Ungku : Cuma tak betul kita betul kan besok saje la

Kumar : Mmm. Tapi dia ada confirm tak kalau kita bagi 51% dia akan renew

From Kumar (07-2343448) to Thiagu ( 019-7112260)
Date : 17/04/2008
Time : 1410hrs

Kumar : Hello Thiagu

Thiagu : Yah

Kumar : Kumar here

Thiagu : Yes kumar

Kumar : what happened next?

Thiagu : What happened? Let me check email. That he have put 51% and send right?

Kumar : 51% he asked.51% for Dr. and if company give 51% to Dr then condemn lah and everything gone! Don’t know why lah?!

Thiagu : I don’t know but last meeting, last email received from Steen confirming that Dr is getting 51%, the rest 17-17 and wait email….lost, no, yes, got 17-17-15. That’s all lah

Kumar : Correct lah, just spoke to ungku, he said he send email ready, Steven request 51% for Dr.

Thiagu : OK

Kumar : 17% for myself and 17% for other guy and his one as normal 15%, but I don’t know Thiagu if 51% Dr take and then I gone you know, I don’t know how to handle lah

Thiagu : That he is the one asking

Kumar : Steen lah

Thiagu : Yah

Kumar : Why Steen so supportive of Dr?

Thiagu : I don’t know lah

Kumar : Today morning meeting you know

Kumar : Steen?

Thiagu : Today all top management was there I not involved, Siva came, I don’t know what happened, he was in management meeting. Once he out only know.

Kumar : He said if we give 51% to Dr then he will renew the contract lah?

Thiagu : That’s why he claim lah

Kumar : He want like that lah. If structured 51% to Dr. my self 17-17 then, I to me I loose control, that means Dr. is coming back as….you know, you see business means, when company matter Thiagu, we all have our share,we paid our money amount for the share, but you know, but you just give Dr. 51% will accept and run the contract means, what is this? Very unfair to me

Thiagu : Don’t know lah must be something else is going on backdoor.

Kumar : Steen directly talked to me you know he said proxy lah, you have to proxy, he talk to me like that. I said I told him, you give him 51% to Dr. then its fine, I don’t like to interfere in your matter, as far as I and Ungku deal that is you cannot go interfere, that Ungku talk to you different matter, I’m not involving. He is talking like that lah.

Thiagu : What a cruelity

Kumar : very unfair, chances how getting contract of 51 given to Dr.

Thiagu : If according to Steen right, earlier he said that, if goes according to the 51, Dr. agreed then no issues lah, renewal lah. That is what he said. Don’t know today meeting finish then know. Morning meeting. I don’t know what happpened. Later I gonna meet him, I will ask what happen?

Kumar : They don’t bother about other share holders how everyhing lah

Thiagu : No no no

Kumar : He just say give Dr 51. What is this, cruelity!

Thiagu : See how lah Kumar

Kumar : Please Thiagu you are there try to help

Thiagu : I cannot, this is their decision, what Dr. did behind, I don’t know. He have taken me away from communication loop.

Kumar : When we talked to Ungku you was there right? You, Steen and all.

Thiagu : yeah, that time I was there

Kumar : There also he told about 51%

Thiagu :Yes even there he said.

Kumar : But Ungku come and change the whole story differently, he said Ungku 5%, 34% Dr. 23%, complicating.

Thiagu : No lah 51% goes to Dr. that’s it. Other how you wanna segregate, then segregate, no problem, he said like that.

Kumar : Mmmm.

Thiagu : Ok lah please!, thank you

From Thiagu (019-7112260) to Ungku (07-2343448)
Time : 1027hrs

Ungku : Hello

Thiagu : Morning

Ungku : Good mornig, yes

Thiagu : mmm..Did anyone call me?

Ungku : Who’s that speaking, please.

Thiagu : Thiagu.

Ungku : oo..Thiagu..good morning. Ungku lah

Thiagu : Yes Ungku..

Ungku : Ya.. How are you.. I’m in the office.

Thiagu : can I help you

Ungku : No..we want to refer to our previous discussion with Mr Steen the regarding the what the share you know.

Thiagu : ok

Ungku : I can’t remember lah we were speaking and I want to repeat the same thing whether you remembered out offer by Steen

Thiagu : Mmm

Ungku : Is it 34 for Ungku, and 5% for Mr Kumar, 26 and 25 for Mr Siva. I mean he holding 51%.
Thiagu : As far I know, Dr siva is holding 51%

Ungku : Yeah..yeah, that what 51 is Dr lah

Thiagu : Ya

Ungku : So ,it should be ok what

Thiagu : And, Kumar 5

Ungku : Yes, Kumar 5

Thiagu : And the rest is yours.

Ungku : Yes..yes

Thiagu : And no new corner

Ungku :Yeah..Ok..Ok

Kumar : So, it will be ok or not if I forward this new resolution.

Thiagu : I don’t know . Hahaha. I not decision maker, what Ungku , mat salleh is the decision makers

Ungku : hahaha. Hehehe

Ungku : yeah, are you working today or?

Thiagu :…no off day

Ungku : oh.. off day.Alamak..then, so what about can we have a cup of coffee. I’m in the office la
Thiagu :no..i’m going to Seremban

Ungku : I see..ok..ok thank you very much ya

Thiagu : no problem

Ungku : so 34, 5% and Siva 51%

Thiagu : mmmm

Ungku : ok and new corner the balance la

Thiagu : No new corner

Ungku : oh..No new corner. Thank you very much ya

From Kumar (07-2343448) to Steen ( 019-7556148)
Date : 18/04/2008
Time : 1712hrs

Kumar : Hello, good afternoon Mr Steen

Steen : Ya

Kumar : Kumar here Innoseal

Steen: Ya Kumar

Kumar : Ya..How are you Steen

Steen : ooo very thanks to you

Kumar : oh..ok..Steen, aaaa this the …this regarding that you know the continue renewal of contract and
all this

Steen : Mmmm

Kumar : Ok..

Steen : mmmm

Kumar : Since aaa. Ungku already agree for what you know 51% and all that. It is ok now we can Continue. You see I, I’m very down you know now. Really I can’t you know go head with all this kind a problem anymore. And I really willing to loose everything but the thing is I don’t want the company to be collapse you see.So…

Steen : Mmmm that that that too late…mmm…so so so we we regret that Ungku to to to to give aaa give give the aaa…yeah..mmmm…yeah…we we we get the win- win situation to to Ungku and told him not up to discussion…mmm..and but 3 time he came back on on on ….aaa…on try to to to to discuss to one to one the re-negotiate all this. So so I try to give time for this….for for for this where everyoneI mean..we we do turn to create a win-win situation where where everyone

kumar : Yeah

Steen : that will gain and on the remain in the business but but the mmm the three..mmm..three
suggestion to get back from Ungku that not to appeal …not reveal on this case..mmm…I maen a is not mine decision its management decision..negotiation not not not to go along with with the management decide that other …aaa..purpose

Kumar : Yeah, that the thing is

Steen : So so so so what Kumar I can do…kumar because ….mmmmm.our management the the got me to to to try to do this win- win situation on the..and the I have to Tuesday to do and and then yesterday Ungku came back for me and still not agreeable about so so so we we cannot accept that the that that the wee see this delays and all this thing the unfortunate that that that that that that the that we see this delays and all this thing the unfortunate that that that the that the you or Ungku or else I don’t know who is involved in this. The unfortunate that you thought you could squeeze us to this situation where where we change our mind…

Kumar : yeah

Steen : but the but but the I mean that that that u should that realize what.. that that not possible..because I am very very clear from the meeting that we you have with Mr Keld lat week

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : So so we afraid the the that not possible will will ad and and..and this we re really knowing I had with the..with thrwith the come to a situation…

Kumar : ooo..because we see Mr. Steen we we we are really… me lah now I already I in a losing position and everything is I’m giving up and you know I even Managing Director post also we are u knowi had spoke to that director that say that I giving up I don’t interfere and anything. So that let me I’m out of company you know so let the company at least Innoseali don’t want the Innoseal name to be spoil because I build this company for starting u know all that. I’m the founder of the company.

Steen : But..but but..Kumar that that thing was I convey to Ungku on Monday…..whe I purpose the solution for him and and and that is too late now..I I moving along I mean I cannot see only once you feel that that Innoseal want to to to make confession and actually I agree with that and since a very very clear day that from Monday that is not a negotiation we want you have a specific time to refer until Tuesday morning to revert to us you decide not to revert to us till Tuesday that because Ungku, U also in KL try to find a another solution..Tuesday afternoon without solution still not agreeable with so a lot create that we give him….we gave them another chance yesterday he came with solution not agreeable..that I was not agree about I guess that they came to the solution….

Kumar : Yeah

Steen : So I don’t think that that that Innoseal have not have a chance in the but but now we are moving ahead.

Kumar : Yeah…Mr Steen but the thing is actually when..aa…when..that..Ungku Ungku is the old man and when you explain him he also very confuse on term everything..

Steen : But but I I cannot I mean they they will have to do business in PTP they they will have to do business. Ungku is claim to be a chairman of the company so so and I spoke to the chairman to the company if he about something..

Kumar : Mmmm..

Steen : so so and I talk to the chairman of the company if he still not clear…I’m sorry

Kumar : mmmm yeah

Steen : ….is not my problem your problem not mine.

Kumar : Yeah….another issue lah…but but Mr. Steen but the last email sent also…he agreed with that 51% to given to Dr Siva and even I compromise myself to come to 17% and all that but still. Please consider on that lah please Mr Steen

Steen : But I cannot because is not my decision Kumar, everyone thinks I’m the one involving that I because…I’m afraid was wrong

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : I just executing its

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : so so this decision I have made from our top management …so so so that nothing more we can to do about its

Kumar : Yeah…Mr Steen but we agree with u this thing what and then even even u told us you know..we we really we down and we give up everything u know…..losing the company like that you know and you see…

Steen : That the unfortunate there we is because you are not able to go along with our suggestion I don’t seeyou can pull our hand..that now you have to give up.. because you have a chance since Monday now we are on Friday is your conscioud decision not to pursue to giving chance on Monday I mean don’t blame everyone in PTP include myself for that..

Kumar : But Mr Steen you have all the right to decide back again and then so make me believe it.. At least the let company go along let me let me go away maybe there have some.. Personal issue which a you don’t agree with me whatever just...I think we leave it the company live because it very shameful thing were you know…past 3 years 4 years built company we was…you know know..and at the stage where is come to the 4th year and we are looking forward for some profit…and whole scenario that the thing and somebody else going run the company and make the profit out of…my workers, everything will be the same workforce some people and same management only the only one or two director change in the this thing….i think its doesn’t make much sense what…..please lah Mr. Steen I know you can make decision on it…….i very sorry if I offended you anyhow you know…

Steen : but Kumar…you still thinking is my decision it is not Kumar…this decision that something That we have to derive….of course its come from to the operation .that we are unhappy in Innoseal …because of this short supply..and and and I meanyour workers have have have…I have several meeting with your workers to come and see me….and and of grievance on on the Innoseal I mean…that that is very very clear indication something is wrong and then of course I have to take the PTP some port interest…because we can simply not…as far to have a situation in April 2006…it is unacceptable so so …I told you a very early day was that back in 2006..that that if if any of this thing reoccur then we have to to to make make this decision.

Kumar : huh….

Steen : So..last thing absoulutely is…unclear or has been clear on that we have…we doing monkey business or anything ilke that…we have been very very straight forward in our requirement to to to all our contractor I mean and that including Innoseal and we have are not anything in term of that that we would be in position to aaccept non performance

Kumar : Yeah but non performanceisanother issueisis is created you know to me I feel is very-very bad also but you see…I was running 4 years you you very rarely some problem…iwas running very smooth the best company andall that suddenly for thepast one month yeah

Steen : But but Kumar…I I cannot anything else but to agree with you. Innoseal was running very smooth and you very happy with Innoseal.

Kumar : Yeah

Steen : That Kumar you must also realizethat that

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : …….So any disturbance of Innoseal that is agan its…our biggest contract …its or biggest risk

Kumar : yeah

Steen : it is major problem…it is major major problem I gonna show you

Kumar : …………..mmmmm

Steen : And I think I have to show… show…to to show you the cost impact to having a shutdown one crane..i mean I think the original claim if I not mistake for the situation that you have in April 2006 I think the original claim that we claim Innoseal 357,000 ringgit if not mistake…that we take

Kumar : Yeah…mmm

Steen : Then, temendously we give all..i mean after that

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : …….That is the losses that the cause is suffering…and then first day one syif were 16 transfer from Mumbai not turn up

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : so so so is simply a risk that we cannot afford….to take Kumar..

Kumar : But but Mr Steen

Steen : That…..created been there

Kumar : That 2006 Mr Steen….After that we for a while have coop-up with the worker and all thing

Steen : I agree Kumar..but…the recent change in Innoseal have done unfortunately see that risk
Kumar : mmmm

Steen : and very likely to reoccur and I told you cannot cannot afford this to our operation simply
Kumar : At least you can talk to Dr Siva that that you know the offer which you, we discussing and all this thing

Steen : I don’t want be spend my time tomitigating between the management of Innoseal….i been show that all of you grown up enough adults to sitdown and decide the safe of far u have been given for 5 days to do so but but…again…is not my decision it Innoseal is take decision not to want to take the chance have given

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : is you guys personnel thing against each other . Don’t bear my shoulder to to mitigate… so you guys have been in the business for 4 year, sit down to decide to save the company.

Kumar : Your proposed….51%...all done and agree, but why the terms all the thing done why its not suddenly renewed that’s the problem

Steen : I not agree with the last proposal that have nothing to do with because from the day one since Monday to Friday our views on the win-win situation was different

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : and and I don’t care how many proposal you are coming with this, this does not change our our view on win-win situation and…they our senior management, not even me involve they still they decide that to riskig with Innoseal…

Kumar : ooooooo

Steen : so so you have had all the chances available to you and any in other chance in that

Kumar : Ok Mr Steen I still wait for at least for any decision which can change.let us meet up and talk….

Steen : No..but but Kumar…why should I do any work for you guys, if you want to convince the port, that you want to accept the win-win situation, why Innoseal mangement come forward and says it then I have your calling me, Ungku calling me and now you suggest me to talk to Dr. Siva..

Kumar : Yeah

Steen : Why should I care about that it cannot I paid toof PTP interest not sort out you guys issue and no way I get involve with that …if you guys can sit down and found the situation situation then give me a call then then it will fine….

Kumar : Ok ok Mr Steen

Steen : Who are you or whoever to us Not not to discuss anything to Dr Siva because again I don’t want to be a messenger between you guys and you between you guys as a shareholder of the director or whatever of the company

Kumar : mmmm yah

Steen : Kumar…this is Ungku he knows exactly what we see a the win-win situation and that we told him 3 or 4 time since so so stop wasting our time to coming back to us or anything else but this win win situation and do that on tonight or do that on Monday and I see what what I can stop thing but the thing I’m moving and keep on moving we can assure so what I mean come to the point to spend our time if you are come back with something else or something I mean try to again negotiation….

Kumar : ….mmmm yah

Steen : so so that mean you can always try but but but our requirement on win-win situation will and cannot change . That that that as simple like that I don’t care who is who that in Innoseal I mean now communicate to you previously I communicate to Ungku so so share among that the Innoseal shareholder they know now so so stop wasting your timeand coming back with anything else but and I cannot guarantee you that we fulfill because I don’t how far we are moving along with solution the that I said

Kumar : oooo..ok Mr Steen let me let me go back and…

Steen : Don’t don’t blame me don’t blame Thiagu don’t blame the port Kumar..this is the situation that you guys you guy have got yourself in..on on your own I mean

Kumar : mmm

Steen : Actually I cannot who are the director all this but if I see a risk my job is to to mitigate the risk it and sure that no impact could force to deliver this services to our customer and then you can call me or tell to world, I’m wrong or I’m whatever that that is my soul and only interest in this business

Kumar : mmm

Steen : and and that is why I was hire to do how I do how I do and there is what I will do so so so I mean that that I suggest you guys to to to sit down if you at level now you can talk…

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : but don’t get me involve and arrange me between you guys…that for sure

Kumar : Yeah Mr Steen, I understand at least you are you are helping out and I understand this thing now let me let me go back and then try to work out the solution for this and then come back and after that please please consider yeah

Steen : but but as I said before that is no ther solution and then one that I purpose to Ungku because that is only authority I have from from my management to go along to purposed this so I cannot and I do not have any authority and management do not have interest in changing that…so so don’t bother to spend time and coming out some create solution that we have 100% that we give on Monday

Kumar : Yeah but Mr Steven ..but but u see the Ungku style is Ungku you know we agree we put him as a chairman because you know he age and all that but his not very.where he he very a bit forgetful guy you know that why when we talk to him we don’t understand

Steen : Kumar

Kumar : Yeah

Steen : Stop making my problem it is not my problem as far I know Ungku is not the shareholder of the company

Kumar : Yeah. True his son is the shareholder yeah…

Steen : You told me the old forgetful guy he coming to me and he not the shareholder of the company

Kumar : mmm..

Steen : I know the situation right so so I accept that situation and that why I see Mr Ungku has being the right thing… I right

Kumar : yeah its true…

Steen : So so I mean, fine learn that we have that I mean Ungku is the one that chairman or he turning to the chairman and the one I talk to

Kumar : yeah Mr Steen

Steen : we cannot then go out for discussion whether he forgetful or not I don’t think to talk about the discussion..

Kumar : yeah Mr Steen, at least u tell me the proposal at least I can go ahead with the proposal and try tosolve and I call up everybody

Steen : Kumar I told the proposal to ungku the chairman of the company so so so I think you should try to get it from Ungku

Kumar : mmmm

Steen : so so that that..but I mean whatever than get that it from Ungku.. so.Ungku

Kumar : oooo very difficult. Because his man also he he can’t even I talk to him how the proposal to run the company we don’t mind we don’t want to loose the company, at least if u want me to go out from th e company fine I get something , we don’t mind we just don’t lose the company

Kumar : but kumar… our solution actually have you in the company still so so I maen that was the stand to willing to do win-win situation

Kumar : yeah

Steen : so so so I mean I mean I too bad to you or Ungku or whoever to company that massage not clear ..but you have discussed, Ungku and the remain of shareholders

Kumar : ok ok at least at least Mr Steen…hello Mr Steen

Steen : yeah

Kumar : please give us time until Tuesday but I understand u already make decision
Steen : I cannot give u time…but I will try if you comeback to me tonight or Monday morning very early so I can try to stop on what already going on but cannot to give you any guarantee on all this thing..i cannot definitely give you until Tuesday

Kumar : ok Mr Steen ok tonight I try to talk to this thing and I also working out to go along with Dr Siva and….

Steen : But but I need if you come I need something in writing comea nd signed by all the shareholder of the company because I don’t bother to waste my tim or anything else but the unanimous decision of the shareholder of the company

Kumar : yeah…okk let me let me I call the secretarial tp prepare the document of transfers all the share nad everything. Ok what the proposal like it to be I want to save the company that all..even I’m not in company I truly I really loss my face in PTP were banned me and all this like that so humiliated I feel I not going to the port anymore.i just need your suggestion then I call my secretarial to go along and try to do you know and make up the arrangement so Dr Siva go down to signed..what is your proposal like to be

Steen : No Kumar get it from Ungku please

Kumar : oooo

Steen : Ungku is fully aware of what the proposal it is….

Kumar : oooooooo

Steen : So so get that from that Ungku, he absolutely know. He wrote it down and I don’t think he is forgetful

Kumar : This guy you don’t know him, I know him more and then he very I don’t know how to say, ok Mr Steen anyway at least you have given a chance for me to go along and then I will try to come back to you again by see tonight I talk to Ungku again and I calling you back again or it is ok by Monday because today is Friday I don’t know know whether ungku is you know

Steen : This have to be before Monday morning before 800 am…

Kumar : Ok fine fine

Steen : I’m will be in the offiece on 6-12 in the morning…so so I can see your email on that time but I do not I and I not interest or anything else but then the solution that we been after and any else later then Monday morning at 8.00 o’clock

Kumar : U want all the documents of the transfer share in the ready on Monday morning?
Steen : I want I mean I don’t know that is an achievabloe but but I want signed the declaration by all the shareholder of the Innosel that you agree to this shareholding and solution the port request.. that yu prepare

Kumar : Oooo

Steen : How ever want u to do that and prefer when yo come again later, all shareholder to be here…in present

Kumar : ooooo In present ok ok ok I email on Monday 1st thing in the morning but this 2 days

Steen : But Kumar …I suppose you are not recording this phone conversation not but for the record is Monday 8 o’clock in the morning and any later that I cannot accept anything

Kumar : ooooo

Steen : before Monday morning before 8 o’clock then I will do my best try to my best to stop what going on..but I cannot guarantee that is possible

Kumar : Ooo I talk to Ungku and then by Monday morning I email to you

Steen : Ok

Kumar : Thank you for your consideration. Thank you thank you

Steen : Ok

Siapakah Anaconda dalam Barisan Nasional ? (Part 5)

1 comment:

Bermula 10-8-2011 semua komen akan ditapis.

1- Anonymous tak akan dilayan. Sila tinggalkan nama (nama samaran pun dah kira ok supaya senang nak sebut sekiranya ada perbincangan).

2- Tolong beri komen yang berkaitan dengan artikel di atas sahaja.

3- Komen merapu, Hit and Run akan diPADAM. Minta Maaf.